Filling out the Social Business Model Canvas

Macro-Environment / PESTEL

Just as with commercial business, social entrepreneurs and social enterprises need to be aware of changes that are going on around them in the macro-environment.  PESTEL stands for political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal contexts in which your social enterprise is operating.

  • Are there any recent or future planned changes on the political landscape that might impact how your social enterprise behaves?
  • Are their technological changes that you can take advantage of, or perhaps put you (or your beneficiaries) at a disadvantage that you have to be aware of?

Carrying out a macro-environmental/PESTEL analysis allows you to carry out a 360-degree view of your environment and see any barriers or opportunities ahead in the short, medium, and long term. 

Further Learning

Check out this resource for further learning:

SWOT & PESTEL Analysis toolkit, UNICEF Knowledge Exchange